Wednesday, September 22, 2010

2-year old checkup!

On Monday I took Shug to see Dr. Beckford for her 2-year checkup. I am happy to say that we got a great report! She is a healthy, happy baby which is all any parents can ask for - we are really so blessed. She is truly the joy of our lives and we love her so much! Here are the stats from this visit:
Height - 35.5 inches - 97%
Weight - 33 lbs. & 2 oz. - 97%
Head - 49.5 cm - 97%
Here are a few pics from the day...
On our way to the pediatrician's office with my 2 YEAR OLD!!!

Doing a happy dance waiting for "Doc".

With her 2nd favorite :) pediatrician - the fabulous Dr. Beckford!

She was such a good girl when they pricked her toe, that she got a lollipop. (which she got all over her face and hands on the way home - and then fell asleep with it stuck to her leg. lovely.)

All in all, a great day!


  1. I still cannot believe she is TWO! She is precious.

  2. hey megan-it's brandi. your little girl is just precious and she looks just like you. so fun to see pics of you and your family. hope you are doing well.

  3. Hey Brandi!!! Thanks for your sweet comments. I actually follow your blog, too, and love seeing all the cute pics of Georgia and Griffin! Hope ya'll are well!

  4. two?!?!? how can that be? what a gorgeous two year old she is, with so much joy in her little body. happy birthday, shug!
